Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Vonderful Visit!

Hey beautiful babes! Today in East Grand Forks it is -15, but with windchill it feels like -32! There is an advisory to not go outside for long periods of time...WHO LIVES LIKE THIS? So, I'm holed up with Micaela all day today...yikes. We had a great time travelling to Packer-land with Lindsey. I was nervous for the long drive, but both ways were easy and went pretty fast! I borrowed a DVD player for the car from a friend and I have to say it saved my life! After the sun went down we just popped in a movie and had smooth sailing.

It was very fun to watch the 2-year olds bonding-here are a couple more pictures. Its really sad we didn't get any pics of the three grown up girls! :)

So, in our many hours in the car, Lindsey and I were brainstorming about the F'n festival. And here was our thought...what if we did like a Como Park/Zoo party? And then get a couple of extended stay hotel rooms (With a pool) near by? It would mean a little more $$ but if we filled the rooms to capacity, it really wouldn't be so bad. Then we'd have enough room for everyone, and kitchens for cooking if needed. We'd have kid space...and more importantly NON-kid space and there would be no planning/pressure on anyone.

That's just one idea-if someone would like to plan something more eleborate...that could work too!

Okay, time for lunch! Hope you're all staying warm! Mwah!


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