Monday, January 07, 2008


Hi everyone!
First of all, let me say that there surely IS an open invitation to ANYONE who wants to join Elizabeth and Lindsey on their trek to WI this weekend. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see you!! AND, there is a play-off Packer game this weekend which will make the whole experience even more fun. :)
How is everyone? Things are are sort of calming down after a long holiday season. It has been so fun to be around Julia over Christmas. Yesterday in the car, Julia asked me if Jesus was born in Minnesota. :) I just about died laughing!! I suppose since we were with my mom and dad for the holidays she thought Jesus really was born there. Funny what she can think up in that brain of hers. :) I posted a bunch of pictures on her blog from Christmas time, so if you want to check them out, the address again is
And now for the BO title of this blog entry. I am super pumped about BARACK OBAMA!!! I just realized as I was writing this that he has unfortunate initials. Mabye PMS would be worse. Anyway, I didn't know how he would fare, but I am very excited, inspired, and hopefull that something wonderful might happen this election!! Yeah!! :) :) :) :)
Well, I could blab about more, but you'd probably be bored. Oh yeah, I got an aquarium for Christmas!! I got it set up last night, but have to wait a few days to put the fish in. It will be so fun to take care of many fish instead of our lone goldfish in a bowl.
Ok, that's it. Come and visit if you can!! :)

Love you and miss you all,
manders ( a name which JULIA frequently calls me!! :)

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