Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Stranger from De Pere

Hi everyone! I am finally sitting down and writing to you all. It is a miracle, I know. I know I've been a slacker, but I promise it is not that I'm lazy. :) We finally got a new computer, and every freakin' time I sit down at it, I feel like a big fat moron. We got a Mac, and it is beautiful, but its been awhile since I've run one, and there are definitely a lot of differences. Anyway, it took me about a week just to figure out how to get our pictures onto a website. So, I did the grandparent blog first, as they've been desperately wanting pictures of their darling. :) And I finally have time now to get to my favorite peeps. :)
First of all, Congrats Lindsey on your baby girl!!! How fun!! Elizabeth is right...sort of weird that we're all on the girl train here. There will be a new generation of Hoyum 7's! Wow! Its like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants--the mom's were friends, and then the daughters become friends. How sentimental. Ha. :) And it is fun to hear that things are going well for the rest of you. Moving...seeing babies...all very exciting.
Well, as you may have seen by the pictures on the "other" blog, we have had a whirlwind month here. Julia has been keeping us busy. She is soooo talkative now that it is sort of weird. She had her 2 year check-up on Friday, and the Doc was like, "Oh my gosh!" She says words like, "actually," and phrases like "This morning I sang a Raffi song!" It sort of freaks me out. She just listens to absolutely EVERYTHING she hears, and had some sort of alienish brain to remember it all. Today I made the mistake of saying "I don't care, Julia, you need to clean up your toys." And then I got "I don't care, Mommy," about 16 times. Stupid mommy! Other than the weird talking, she seems to be normal. She loves to laugh, play, and lately, she is really singing a lot.
David has been very busy lately, which is good for him, but sort of hard on me. He was gone basically all weekend. That means that Julia and I are home together all the time, and I tend to get a little stir crazy. Hopefully his schedule will calm down a little bit. He is doing great things, and I am proud of him, but it is still hard to be the little woman at home. Not a role I'm used to or am particularly fond of.
A few weeks ago we went to Door county with our friends Micah and Pete who came out to visit. Door county was fun in the summer, but man, it is soooo beautiful in the fall. It was actually breath-taking. We had a fun day driving around and seeing the sights. I also made the trip to Granite Falls a few weeks ago, during our "MEA" break. I actually took one of the days to go to a music convention in Madison, and then drove like a lunatic to arrive in GF at 12:30 am on Friday. It was great to be there for two days anyway. It is hard to be so far away from family and friends. I got to see my sis play volleyball which was really fun. Her team made it to the section finals last night, where they were sooooo close to winning against a 6-time-in-a-row State Tournament Team. The match went to 5 games, and all games were close. I was just itching to be there. Bummer dude.
My job seems to be getting better. We end the quarter on Wednesday, so we'll see how many of my kids drop choir. :) I think I'm starting to know them better, and they're starting to get me. :) I think anyway. It's still hard, but I'm getting used to it and actually enjoy it some days.
I don't have much exciting news to share. I did take a pregnancy test about a month ago and it said it was positive, and I was so excited until a week later I got my period. I had to go to the doctor, only to feel like a make a long story short, the pregnancy tests today are very sensitive, and I was "pregnant" but the doctor thinks that the egg never implanted. So, I was pregnant enough to pass a test and make my period a week late, but that was it. So, more of the fun times to come. :) I'll let you know when/if the big + sign appears again, but I'll probably wait awhile in case this happens again. It kind of sucked, but life goes on. :)
I am all about getting together! We will be in MN for a majority of Christmas break, so that is the time that works best for me. it is a little hard to get to MN for a weekend, but if it were in the Cities, I could possibly make it. Northern MN would be a no-go for a short time-frame. Sorry...
Well, I'm getting a little droopy, so I'm going to go. I miss all of you so much and just revel in reading this blog. Keep the posts coming!!


p.s. Elizabeth-- I was not going to get a costume for Julia, either, until her daycare announced that they were going to be having a big party, and everyone should be dressed up! Julia was a little freaked out...I think she had fun a daycare, but the trick-or-treating thing was kind of weird. And do I want her to eat all of that candy? No! Don't let anyone feel like you're a bad mom. I think you're great. :)

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