Sunday, November 04, 2007

Look at all that action!

Wow-I didn't check the blog for a few days and look what happened! (Its like when you go to the bathroom at a restaurant and when you come back your food has magically appeared)

Lindsey-thank God you're having a girl! I think we have enough specimen's for a investigation of Hoyum 7...what did they do to us?

Mandy-I also just checked out your blog. Wow-that's the cutest witch I've ever seen! Micaela was nothing for Halloween, she doesn't even know it happened and that doesn't make me a bad mom, it just makes me a mom that works late on Wednesdays! (sorry-that rage is not directed at you, but at the countless disappointed reactions I get when people ask me what M was for Halloween...seriously people, its not like I missed the birth of Jesus).

A gathering? Really? How about Nov 16-17? I know that's soon, but that's what I got. Or December 7-8 (we could celebrate a certain lovely lady's Bday).

Life up here is funky-that's the best word I could find. We've moved into my Dad's place, which was an undertaking I was SO unprepared for. I'm still not unpacked or feeling very settled. Work is okay...feeling a little unmotivated these days honestly.

Micaela is doing fine, sorta of used to the new place. Although to prolong bedtime or get what she wants she's now using the tactic "Talk to papa" as in "let me go upstairs and ask Papa and he'll give me whatever I want." Really fun.

Okay, I'll stop posting now because apparently I'm crabby. But I really do hope a Gathering happens soon. Shall we begin the voting? My ballot is cast above.

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