Saturday, November 03, 2007

Some new news...

Hey, ladies! I love reading about what's been going on in everyone's lives. Sarah B., congrats on the move! Sarah A., congrats on the niece! Breanna, I was very sad to read about your student; it is so tragic when someone dies so young. Mandy, I recal a Friends episode where VapoRub was used to spice things up. :) Sorry I haven't posted in a while; we live in the land of no high speed internet, and apparently my employer has decided this should be a "blocked site", so I haven't been able to catch up lately. As far as a gathering, yes! We should do that! And I would definitely love to volunteer my house, if people don't mind driving to Lake Park. However, I would be equally happy to travel anywhere else as well.

Ryan and I had our first ultrasound yesterday. Our baby is a healthy, normally developing little girl! I kind of had a feeling she would be a girl, but I'm super excited to know for sure.

Hope all is well with everyone. Take care!

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