Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Weak effort people! It has been a month since the last post...what is going on? I know y'll have lots to share, there are people starting school, moving, being a newlywed, making out with minors...come one!

The update from GF is: I'm on stage this year for my Dad's dinner theater, so every night Micaela and Isaiah (Daniel's son) stay with babysitters while we rehearse. The long days of kid-work-rehearse-kid are getting old. But 2 weeks and its all over. We perform July 23,24,25,26 if anyone is looking for a reason to drive really far north!

Micaela is doing well, repeating everything I say...which is actually pretty darn funny. She asks for popcorn (pronounced pah-key) 100 times a day. But she is really sweet with Isaiah (pronounced yah-yah) and we've been taking frequent bike rides early in the morning for some excercise and bonding time.

Latest adventure includes meeting Scanders in Buffalo to celebrate with Jesse and great to see them! And then staying at the Anderson household for a night! Yahoo!

I'm avoiding Luther homework right now, so I must go and begin my reading so I'm not up all night.

I'm looking forward to your frequent, forth-coming posts!


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