Friday, January 19, 2007

Hi ladies! How are all of you? I'm sorry its been so long again since I've written. Things have been rather crazy around here since our fantatic Christmas of sickness. I feel like I never really "caught up" like I thought I'd get to do over the break. Anyway...

Although busy, things here are going pretty well. David has his last recital next week (the 24th) and he has been working very hard to get ready for that. It will be nice to have that done. Also, he has been fielding some job opportunites that have been pretty exciting for him, but stressful. He has had phone interviews in the last week or so with the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, same at Oshkosh, and also Augustana in Rock Island, IL. Green Bay liked him, and he will be traveling there on the 31st for an interview. He is one of three candidates left! :) We haven't heard back from Oshkosh, and the Augustana interview was just last night, so its a little early to tell. He also made a "select group" (whatever that means) of finalists for a job at PLU--go figure Elizabeth--for which he had to send some extra materials in to them. We're not really sure what to expect from that one, but at least he made it that far. :) Anyway, he's been stressed getting ready for all of these phone interviews, his recital, and preparing for the actuall interview in Green Bay, for which he has a LOT of music to learn.
As for me, things are going well, too. School is keeping me busy. The semester is over today, so next week, I start with a whole new batch of kids. I am sad that won't see the kids I've had again, but it will be nice to try something new. Other than school, I've been trying to pick up the slack for David working so hard, which means I'm EXHAUSTED at the end of the day. I seriously don't know how people manage two full-time jobs and running a house. I'm thinking next year I'll stay home. That would be nice if we acutally had MONEY! Ha! :)
And then there's Julia who has turned into a little person with her own BIG personality and newly found attitude. Being a parent has taken on a whole new meaning now that we actually have to discipline. I don't really like it yet; its hard to say "no!" and follow through when she cries. And she cries like she's getting her arm cut off. What a drama queen. However, as I teach the shit heads in my kindergarten classes who absolutely don't know how to listen AT ALL and therefore don't learn anything, and furthermore are undeterred by any consequence, I see how important it is to introduce tough love. Hopefully it will pay off.
She has been a blast most of the time, though. She talks a lot, had sprouted a lot of new teeth, runs, climbs, teases, sings, etc. The last three months have been amazing as far as what she's learned. That part is fun.
So, what's new with you guys? I loved reading about the "dream wedding" of Breanna's. Sounds super classy. :) What do you guys think about Bush's new "Surge" plan? Anyone want to sound off? How about Pawlenty's new budget for education? What a joke. Maybe we should buy an island and create our own government where no incompetant people can be elected. Because we would be the only people there. :) ha ha.
I'm not full of funny dream stories like Sarah, so I'll stop here. I really hope that you are all doing great!! Anyone who wants to drop by David's recital, its at 7:30 at the Floyd Ultan recital hall in the music building on Wednesday, the 24th. I'd love to see you there!! :)
Love to you all,

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