Thursday, August 31, 2006

The search continues

He-hem Elizabeth, where are you job updates, huh?

As usual there has either been no communication from my latest interviews or another qualified candidate has been chosen. Therefore, I will go to Plan P: plunder and pillage with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom on the next taping of "Pirates of Caribbean III: Forget honest work and become a pirate."

Or, perhaps skip Plan P and move onto Plan Q: Quit looking, or maybe Plan R: Rest assured that something will come my way, or perhaps Plan S: Secure relationship with wealthy man so working is optional. How about Plan T: Take action in writing stand-up comedy. Plan U: Urge others to look for jobs too so I'm not alone. Plan W: Wonder and solve all the world's problems. (If I follow through with this plan I can't have a job because wondering and problem solving will take up all my time.)

Well, I'll start with Plan P and go from there. This weekend I will be joining members of my dad's family at the lake. More than any other year I feel like Labor Day is getting quite a bit of attention because supposedly it is the last weekend of summer. Whatever happened to the autumnal equinox in September signifying the change in the season? Therefore, I will cling to summer until that day. I will continue to enjoy the sun, blue skies, bike riding, and nice breezes that come through my window at night.

Sarah A.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


anyone out there? no teacher updates, interviews, wedding plans...come on people...weak efforts!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Finally, I can share this picture with you

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life. And see if I could not learn what it had to teach and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." -Thoreau
Persistance is a word that I have learned a lot about in the past year. In particular, I was persistent is attempting to upload this picture that I specifically took to post on the blog. After repeated efforts, my computer finally gave in. And I feel that I have certainly been persistant in my job searching. I've gotten my hopes up multiple times for jobs that I feel I should have gotten and have been disappointed more times that I care to remember. It will happen again tomorrow when I am at a second job interview from last week's round of interviews. My hopes will remain high and I'll let you know what happens.
This picture is me at beautiful Walden Pond. I suppose an argument can be made that it is like many other bodies of water that we are familiar with in MN, but it was different walking around it, knowing who lived there for two years, two months, and two days (Thoreau). While walking around I felt a certain inspiration throughout...could I too live in a home that was 10 feet by 15 feet with only the bare essetials? I imagine a house that size would not have enough outlets for our society filled with iPods, computers, cell phones, irons, stereos, televisions, and so much more. Nonetheless, it is exciting for me to think about the idea of living on only what is needed (which should probably be another entry altogether since everyone has a different definition of need). Being at Walden Pond made me think about my days of LVC when I was alotted $100 a month for personal and $80 for food. It almost seems impossible to me now, but surprisingly at the end of the year I had money left over. As a house each month we put that $80 into a community fund, so I guess technically we had $480 for food each month. That seems like a lot, but living with my mom, we can spend anywhere between 250-300/month on food. Yet, during LVC that was our month for food, our phone, and we even threw parties and went to movies on that money. At the end of the year we even had leftover. Maybe you're asking why I share this on our blog? I think part of me wanted to take a trip down memory lane about simplicity and remind myself of ways to be more simple, and I guess I wanted to share it with all of you as well. Thanks for reading.
This past weekend I got to spend time with the enjoyable, Breanna Schoeck. We were in Sue Halverson's wedding and gave a kick ass toast, so in the future if you need to give a toast, let us know. We went bowling, enjoyed spirits, dressed up, and danced. It was quite fun.
Elizabeth, I am in complete agreement that we should invite more people to the blog. Why don't you email me their addresses and I will send them the link to register. I'm not sure if I'm the only one that can invite others, but I hope so because being the person in power is the best place to be. (I'm kidding, I thought I should clarify that my tone has changed since the rant about Walden Pond and simplicity.)
Adios chicas!
Sarah A.

3 things...

Hello lovely ladies, I have 3 issues (well I have A LOT more than that, but I'll spare you for now!)...

1. THANK YOU to SarahA, SarahB and Lindsey for meeting Micaela and I this weekend! I am so thankful that we can all get together without a cross-country trip! And please, all are welcome up to the North Woods ANYTIME!

2. I don't know how to invite someone else to our blog community! Lindsey, Becca, Amy, Amanda and many others should be "team members". Does anyone know how to do that? Scanders, do you have some executive power being the originator?

3. My brother, Matthew has recorded a great, soulful, acoustic CD which is now for sale. Want to support a starvin artists? click here CDs are $9 Tell everyone you know!

Much love to you all!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Verryy Long Week

Ok, so I think that I will start out by saying that this past week or so has been one of the worst I've had in a very long time. I have been meaning to write this all down for you guys, but to be honest, I haven't really known how...

Last Weds. morning I got a call from my dad at 6:30AM (1st inclination something was wrong). The first thing he said to me when I answered the phone was, "Sarah, are you with Seth right now?" (2nd inclination something HAD to be wrong). Anyway, to make a long story short - my 26 year-old cousin (Cara) committed suicide from an overdose of her antidepressants and basically any other pills she had in the apartment late the previous evening. She leaves behind one of the most loving and kind families you will ever meet (her parents and a younger brother and sister) as well as a 3 1/2 year old daughter, who is currently living with her father (Cara's ex) in Wisconsin. Her funeral was Monday morning - we spent the weekend with family -- crying, remembering, crying some more, and mostly spending time trying not to let it all sink in. My mom and I sang, which was a really great experience just because it made me feel like I could contribute something. Mary (Cara's mom) is my dad's younger sister - the baby in the Schreier family. I can't even begin to tell you how much my heart breaks for them every time I think about them, which is pretty often. It's just been really really hard....

ANYway, next thing - Tuesday evening of this week my older brother Chris had a full-blown seizure at home at about 2:30am. Now Chris has had his fair share of problems in life, as I'm sure you all know, but he has not had a seizure since he was in 2nd grade, so this was a huge shock for all of us. My parents had to call 911 and have an ambulance come and get him and take him to the ER in Marshall. He seems to be doing fine now, although answers as to what could possibly be causing this (as well as problems he's been having with his heart racing) are few and far between. He and my mom made a trip to Sioux Falls today to meet with both a neurologist and a cardiologist, but even after that, questions that no one can seem to answer still linger...

I guess I'm writing this whole huge thing not because I'm asking for anyone's sympathy or trying to complain, but just because I feel like I need to get it off my chest, and I just want to ask all of you to keep my family in your prayers. The past week has been very hard on all of us and I'm hoping the next few days will be better. Our plans for the weekend are to come back up to the Cities and spend our time at Chuck and Mary's (Cara's parents), as well as meeting up with Elizabeth and Micaela(too bad for those of you who have to be in a wedding!!!).

Ok, I'm exhausted (still! or maybe again!) and should try and get some sleep before 6am comes way too fast!

Scanders - you are in my prayers for your interviews. Anyone who doesn't hire you has absolutely NO IDEA what they're missing out on. You will find the right job and the right people will fall in love with you, just like we all did.

Mandy - I am glad to hear that you don't have to sacrifice this time around and I am glad to hear you're not moving farther away!!

Breanna - have a great time in Sue's wedding this weekend!

Lizabeth - can't wait to see you!

Thank you all for being wonderful enough to let me blab on forever and for making me feel comfortable enough to tell you everything that's been going on.

I love you all dearly,

Monday, August 14, 2006

its been awhile!

Hi girls-
It was fun to check the blog today and see so many postings! I agree with Breanna that it is fun to check this every day. You guys are just so fun and interesting! :)
David, Julia, and I have had a busy couple of weeks. We were in Clear Lake, Iowa from August 1-5, and we got back last night from Mayville, WI where we spent four days at a family reunion/Andrew's wedding. Andrew is David's little brother, and we were both in the wedding, which was fun. I am ready to be home for awhile now, though, and start thinking about school.
We had a bit of a crazy few days in the midst of all of this travel. David was asked to interview for a position in Eau Claire at the U of Wisconsin. To make a long story short, the people there pretty much acted as if he already had the job, so we made all of these decisions, like to move there (which was a toughie!), I would quit my job, etc... Anyway, it turns out that they interviewed three other candidates, and hired someone else. We waited a week and two days after David's interview, being on pins and needles the whole time, and finally we heard the outcome. It was NOT a fun time, but that's how life goes I guess. We're both disappointed that it didn't work out, but I'm sure there is something else that is meant to be, right? David is pretty bummed. It will be nice not to have to move, though. It would have been a rush.
I am also glad that I can still be teaching this year. I would have felt pretty crappy leaving at this time of the summer. :)
Being married is hard sometimes when you have to make decisions like that! It is totally worth it, but sometimes I get frustrated when it is time to sacrifice something you love or believe in (i.e. teaching) I guess that is what really good relationships are about, though. If you love someone, you want what is best for them, right? I hope that David doesn't stay bummed too long. I tried to tell him that everyone has been in the situation where they didn't get the job that they wanted, and it will be a good learning experience. I know that doesn't help him, but I'm not sure what to say!
Anyway, enough of the philosophical crap. :) Good luck with your interviews, Sarah! All of the jobs sound like fun! :) How are the wedding plans, Breanna? I hope that you have found a soloution to the rock/hard place problem. :)
I'm going to attach a few photos so you can see Julia. She pulls herself up on EVERYTHING now, and is into EVERYTHING! she keeps us busy, and makes us smile by saying, "HI!" at least 50 times each day. :)
Sorry for this long post. I may have just need to "talk" :) I love you all!!!!!


Saturday, August 12, 2006

I don't know why

Why did my posting look so weird? And why would it post on Friday, 8/11, when I uploaded Saturday, 8/12? Perhaps because I created it yesterday and saved it. And why was it centered? I didn't click on that button. Or maybe I should stop trying to do things late at night after work. Good night.


Sarah you are at Walden Pond! Or at least you were there and so was Henry David Thoreau.

As far as babies go...tell Daniel and Katie congrats!

Keep posting! This is so fun!

Another baby!

I'm having another baby!

Just kididing, wasn't that funny!

My sister-in-law gave birth to Isaiah Daniel Damico today, August 12th @ 2:38pm. He was 6 lbs 9 oz. It was a very fast and easy labor AND 16 days early, I'm trying not to be jealous! He is doing just great, he looks like an old man with a cone head! :)

Love you all!


Friday, August 11, 2006


For the past two nights I have been trying to upload another image
to our blog, but apparently my computer is prohibiting me from such actions. I waited 14 minutes tonight to tell me that my image is uploaded, only to discover that it was lying. Perhaps I need DSL. And Breanna, you are right, I am at Walden Pond, but that entry wasn't even posted. Did you read it as a draft?

Okay I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and share a little bit of what's going to be going on in my life next week (besides being in a wedding with Breanna.) I have three job interviews, one on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday. I wasn't going to tell anyone because we all know what my track record has been like, but I can't keep my big mouth shut. And I also agree with what has been previously posted about being honest with our friends.

Monday's interview is with Minneapolis Public Schools working as an adult basic education teacher. I have to plan a 10 minute lesson to present to the committee interviewing me. Tuesday's is with an organization called, Junior Achievement. They work with kids k-12 in economic entrepreneurship education. And Wednesday's is with a northern suburb school district for a high school social studies position. It's hard not to get my hopes up once again with these opportunities, but I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude. After all, someone has got to see that I'm employable.

Sarah A.

I guess I better put the 'A.' after my first name, I forgot there was another Sarah on this blog until she mentioned it. Shhhhh...don't tell her.


Hi ladies,
Just so you know, I have now marked the blog as one of my favorites pages and check it each morning along with my emails and things. However, it hasn't been very fun to check lately. Hope you are all doing well.
B reanna