Monday, July 31, 2006

Times of transition...

Hello ladies! Wow, who knew the blog was so popular a place to be. Now that I know that, count me in to check it much more often! (Thanks for mentioning it Mandy!)

I love your ideas about sharing your thoughts and feelings with good friends because you know you can trust them. I think all of us have been through, are in the process of, or will soon be going through transitions. Although transitions are fun, they are so scary at the same time. This whole marriage thing is so exciting and new to me because I never have really pondered it before, so Chris and I have been talking about so many things that were never brought up before and it can be really frustrating. But, it also gives me the wiggle in my tummy that tells me how exciting and exhilerating the next step will be.

No matter what our next step will be and who we take it with, I am so thankful for always having my friends in my life. It is a bond no boyfriend (or fiance) can hold a candle to.

I love you all so much and appreciate your support even when you don't know you are giving it. Just the knowledge that you are a part of my life is all I need.

So, I have been more emotional than ever before in my life the last month or so.... You may not recognize this Breanna, but while I am having mushy thoughts toward people, I thought I better share it.

Tomorrow will be cooler!!! Thank goodness!

Here I am!!!!!!!

Ok, ok, OK already! I apologize from the bottom of my HEART for not posting on this damn technologically advanced, too scary for me to try until I talked to SarahA and received some serious encouragement Blog.

How ARE you all? I feel like I could go on and on responding to all of the previous entries, but I think I'll start by echoing Lizabeth's sentiments about HONESTY with our friends, regardless of how shitty we think our situations are or how stupid or embarrassed we feel. The weekend I spent with Elizabeth was amazingly refreshing and full of good talks (as she previously mentioned) where we laid it all on the line and were completely honest about our feelings/pasts/everything. (There was also some QT with Micaela). I think this can also tie back to what SarahA was talking about in regards to professional identity - who cares what we do for a living unless we actually enjoy what we're doing? And in all actuality, aren't most peoples' answers a glowing and exaggerated report of something that is probably quite mundane and average anyway? Seth (ok, yes, I am going to mention my husband only ONCE in this conversation) thinks that the first question we ask people when we see them again or meet them for the first time should NOT be "What do you do?," but rather "Do you love your job?" I must admit that I, too, am going through a bit of soul searching in regards to my life's work. I had a conversation with SarahA about this last evening and am searching for other options - when Seth is done with school in December we have NO IDEA where we're going to be or what we're going to be doing. All I know is that I do NOT want to work at a bank anymore!! I have been thinking that I will try and get into something with disabled kids - I feel more and more strongly that this is what will make me feel satisfied at the end of my workdays. Ok, so that's totally a new and exciting thing for me, so don't hold me to it (apparently I told SarahA and others at the F-ing Festival that Seth and I would be staying in Marshall - what I THINK I said was that we had recently thought about the idea of staying in Marshall....but now we are both pretty much over that, just so you all know!), but in all honesty it makes me very excited to think about doing something else.

Ok, so now that I have blabbed more than ANYONE (I think that should count for SOMETHING!!!), I will relieve you all from going cross-eyed because you're looking at the computer screen too long and say my good-byes for now.

I love you all and can't wait to see you again!!

SarahB (I am purposely distinguishing myself from SarahA because apparently she is ABOVE me and does not have to use an initial to tell us who she is) :)

Saturday, July 29, 2006

shout out to the homegirls

Hey ladies,

I think we should all make fun of Mrs. Boerboom for not posting anything yet. I actually got to see Sarah a couple weeks ago when she made the trip up here...we shopped, talked, drank, talked, it was fantastic to talk and talk and talk...

I start working at Calvary Lutheran Church (in Grand Forks) mid-August and at Christus Rex (Lutheran Campus Ministry at UND) the last week of August! I'm very excited for this next chapter to truly seems to be right from the hand of God! i do have three more weeks of camp to endure (and we're outdoors this coming week!!!!!)

I've been meaning to share a life lesson that I have learned since moving back to please forgive me for expounding for a bit...

As I've been reconnecting with amazing friends (such as each of you) it has been made so clear to me that friends of this magnitude and excellence are a rare find. In the midst of the darkness that covered my last two years I have forgotten how precious and truly perfect these friendships are, and I've forgotten to trust them. After the F-n festival Sarah, Sarah and I chatted over a few glasses of wine and we realized that we've all at some time been hesitant to be honest with our life situations due to fear or shame. This must stop! We can all conclude that life will hand us a good amount of shit on any given day~be it with our significant others, jobs, faith, family...ANYTHING~ and if we can't trust our dearest friends with that...who can we trust? and wouldn't it be easier to handle our stress and problems if we have a friend or two to share the burden?

So, my new life lesson is that I will be honest when one of you fantastic ladies asks the age old question "How's is going" I will honestly respond and know that nothing I say will cause judgement or the hurt a friendship...I will trust instead. whew.

SO much good news going around though....lots to celebrate!

Love you all!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Another baby

Another one of our friends had a baby on July 10th (hmmm, isn't that someone else's b-day as well?) Amanda and Kevin Backstrom had a baby girl, Marie Dorothy, who was 10 pounds 2 ounces and 21.5 inches long. Even though I've never given birth, that seems like a big baby to come out of such a small woman. While I haven't actually talked to Amanda, her message said they were both doing well. Marie has a full head of brown hair.

Another bit of exciting news is Elizabeth's job. Congratulations, Elizabeth!!! Way to go! When will you be starting your new position in Grand Forks? Okay, I have to start packing. I leave for Massachusetts tomorrow and haven't really done much on the packing front besides make a packing list.


I do check the blog every day!

Hi gals-
I really have been checking this blog nearly evey day and I am so glad that there is a new entry!! It took awhile! :) I must echo Sarah's sentiments for Breanna. Wooo Hooo! :)
I talked to our former RA Mrs. Becca Meidinger today. Little Evelyn Rose was born on Friday, July 7 via C-section. Becca said she weiged 8 lbs. and some ounces...sorry I don't remember how many! Anyway, Becca said she is a beautiful little girl. However, she was really overwhelmed with everything when I talked to her, and I think she and Paul need some big time prayers. Sounds like little Evie isn't sleeping much, seems to want to eat all day, and is a bit confusing. :) Sounds about right for a little baby, but that doesn't make it any easier on the parents. Just thought you would all like to know!
I would love to hear about your Door county stories, girls! Even though it sounds like you had an interesting time, did you enjoy the scenery? I hope so! David and I just thought it was really a peaceful and beautiful place.
I hope that all is well with everyone. We need to use this thing more often! :) Have a super week. Love you all!!


Friday, July 14, 2006

Did you hear?

This message should have come long ago to inform all of you of the crazy camping trip Breanna and I had to Door County, Wisconsin. What an adventure! Car troubles, a crazy campground host, a broken corkscrew, rain, a middle-aged, male camping neighbor with the license plate "Xcentric", climbing tall lookout towers, and yoga on the marina docks. The full story version can be told by Breanna and Sarah in a mere 45 minute, beautifully cheoreographed duo. Performance times will be forthcoming. However, the trip is not as exciting as the news Breanna has to share as of last night! She's gettin' hitched! CONGRATULATIONS, Breanna and Chris! It is so exciting and I'm so happy for the both of you. Just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of this exciting news. After all, I know you check the blog everyday. (and if you don't, why not?)