Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Vonderful Visit!

Hey beautiful babes! Today in East Grand Forks it is -15, but with windchill it feels like -32! There is an advisory to not go outside for long periods of time...WHO LIVES LIKE THIS? So, I'm holed up with Micaela all day today...yikes. We had a great time travelling to Packer-land with Lindsey. I was nervous for the long drive, but both ways were easy and went pretty fast! I borrowed a DVD player for the car from a friend and I have to say it saved my life! After the sun went down we just popped in a movie and had smooth sailing.

It was very fun to watch the 2-year olds bonding-here are a couple more pictures. Its really sad we didn't get any pics of the three grown up girls! :)

So, in our many hours in the car, Lindsey and I were brainstorming about the F'n festival. And here was our thought...what if we did like a Como Park/Zoo party? And then get a couple of extended stay hotel rooms (With a pool) near by? It would mean a little more $$ but if we filled the rooms to capacity, it really wouldn't be so bad. Then we'd have enough room for everyone, and kitchens for cooking if needed. We'd have kid space...and more importantly NON-kid space and there would be no planning/pressure on anyone.

That's just one idea-if someone would like to plan something more eleborate...that could work too!

Okay, time for lunch! Hope you're all staying warm! Mwah!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Vonderful Visiters :)

Hi everyone! I just wanted to post a quick one here and show you the fun times had by all last weekend here in Green Bay. :) Elizabeth, Micaela, and Lindsey made the rediculously long trip out here and we had a great time!! Micaela and Julia got along so well. They had fun playing, as you can see. They pretended to be puppies, chased Elizabeth into the bathroom, make brownies, and laughed and laughed. Their conversations were something to listen to. :)
Anyway, I hope that you are all doing well!!! It is going to SNOW her tomorrow, enough for a potential snow day. I'm crossing my fingers. :) Have a great rest of the week. Are you going to cheer for the Packers this weekend? I am! Don't knock it! Its exciting!! :)

Love you ladies very much,

Friday, January 11, 2008

Looking back, looking ahead

Looking back:
I had a nice time in St. Louis, MO visiting Matt, Sarah, and Katherine. I think I shocked everyone when I told them I didn't want to have kids. No, I wasn't going for the shock effect, but it's interesting when everyone thinks that it's a common goal to have children. It's good to clear the air. This however doesn't mean it might not happen some day. I did have a lot of fun with Katherine; I look forward to their move to MN in August and my potential move to St. Louis in May. (I'll keep you updated.)
Looking ahead:
The 3rd annual Friends, Fun, and Frolic Festival falls on the weekend of June 13-15. Mark your calendars! We had a great turnout last year and we can only hope for just as much action this year.

Monday, January 07, 2008


Hi everyone!
First of all, let me say that there surely IS an open invitation to ANYONE who wants to join Elizabeth and Lindsey on their trek to WI this weekend. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see you!! AND, there is a play-off Packer game this weekend which will make the whole experience even more fun. :)
How is everyone? Things are are sort of calming down after a long holiday season. It has been so fun to be around Julia over Christmas. Yesterday in the car, Julia asked me if Jesus was born in Minnesota. :) I just about died laughing!! I suppose since we were with my mom and dad for the holidays she thought Jesus really was born there. Funny what she can think up in that brain of hers. :) I posted a bunch of pictures on her blog from Christmas time, so if you want to check them out, the address again is
And now for the BO title of this blog entry. I am super pumped about BARACK OBAMA!!! I just realized as I was writing this that he has unfortunate initials. Mabye PMS would be worse. Anyway, I didn't know how he would fare, but I am very excited, inspired, and hopefull that something wonderful might happen this election!! Yeah!! :) :) :) :)
Well, I could blab about more, but you'd probably be bored. Oh yeah, I got an aquarium for Christmas!! I got it set up last night, but have to wait a few days to put the fish in. It will be so fun to take care of many fish instead of our lone goldfish in a bowl.
Ok, that's it. Come and visit if you can!! :)

Love you and miss you all,
manders ( a name which JULIA frequently calls me!! :)