Saturday, July 21, 2007

new home

Hi, everyone! Hope all is well. Ryan and I have some exciting news. We've just accepted a counter-offer on a home in Audubon, MN, and we will be closing August 15th. If you are not familiar with Audubon, it is a town of about 586 people about 7 miles west of Detroit Lakes. We bought a hobby farm with about 10 acres. The funny thing is -- our farm is in city limits! Once we get settled, everyone is welcome to come visit!

I've been working at St. Mary's hospital in Detroit Lakes for about 3 weeks now, and I really love my job. I did two things I've never done before this past week (a home health evaluation and a wound care treatment), so that was pretty exciting. I'm taking my physical therapy licensure exam on Monday, and I'm pretty nervous and anxious to be done with that. As soon as that test is done, I can join the rest of the world again instead of shutting myself in a closet to study every spare minute that I have.

Take care, everyone!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mary Kay

Hey ladies...
Do any of you use Mark Kay? Just curious because I am thinking of being a consultant to make a little extra cash and first I need to see if I would have a good client base.
What??? Isn't life crazy!
Hope all is well!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I don't know how to download the greek fonts, but the title means greetings! (Incidentally, it also means goodbye among a host of other things.) I have successfully made it through the first week and a half of greek and the tests I took last week prove that I am on the right track. Not that I necessarily feel competent; our professor told us that we will always feel like we are treading water. Our comprehension won't get any better or worse. But thus far, I think it's kind of fun to be so anal about something; I'm glad that I'm usually particular about small details. I think it helps in learning this language.
Last weekend I went camping with all of my dad's family to Itasca State Park. It was a wonderful time filled with biking, fires, rain, volleyball, food, and card playing. Matt is here this week which is fun and Sarah will join us for the weekend when we go to my dad's wedding.
Well that's all you get for now..back to more translation and decoding!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Weak effort people! It has been a month since the last post...what is going on? I know y'll have lots to share, there are people starting school, moving, being a newlywed, making out with minors...come one!

The update from GF is: I'm on stage this year for my Dad's dinner theater, so every night Micaela and Isaiah (Daniel's son) stay with babysitters while we rehearse. The long days of kid-work-rehearse-kid are getting old. But 2 weeks and its all over. We perform July 23,24,25,26 if anyone is looking for a reason to drive really far north!

Micaela is doing well, repeating everything I say...which is actually pretty darn funny. She asks for popcorn (pronounced pah-key) 100 times a day. But she is really sweet with Isaiah (pronounced yah-yah) and we've been taking frequent bike rides early in the morning for some excercise and bonding time.

Latest adventure includes meeting Scanders in Buffalo to celebrate with Jesse and great to see them! And then staying at the Anderson household for a night! Yahoo!

I'm avoiding Luther homework right now, so I must go and begin my reading so I'm not up all night.

I'm looking forward to your frequent, forth-coming posts!
