Monday, May 18, 2009

freedom, O freedom!

Happy end of the school year! Today I took my last final and my piano students had their recital so I am a VERY free woman! This whole week is filled with lunch/walks/coffe/brunch dates...just the way I like it. I've started spring cleaning (which I actually enjoy) and took 8 bags of stuff to the thrift store today, I find that unbelievable and embarrassing considering that I purged much of our earthly belongings before coming to Luther (just 10 months ago!!). But at least 5 of the bags were stuffed animals, baby books and I don't feel so bad :)

Other news: my Dad sold his house in EGF! Its not totally final, but very close. This is great news for him, but it means I need to figure out what to do with the other things I have their--mostly this means my piano. Anyone want to hold on to a baby grand for a few years? I am considering moving it into my living room--which would mean I would have to committ being in this apartment for the next two years (i've been contemplating moving to a pet apartment so we could get a dog)...decisions, decisions. But if I had to decide between a piano or a dog I would definatly chose the one that doesn't shed, bark or poop.

Other news: My Dad's younger brother, my Uncle Joe, is dying of cancer. My dad has been very invovled in the Hospice figuring and all that business--Joe has 4 sons, 2 are older and fairly estranged from him. 2 are at home with his last wife and they are 11 and 8...its been such a rough year in this way for my extended family (and I guess my immediate family too) and I'm so thankful that we're all down in the Cities to lend a hand when needed.

Micaela is doing well, a little uncertain of all the changes happening right now. Our good friend, Rachel, is leaving for the summer so we said good-bye to her last night and Micaela didn't appreciate that at all! I haven't told her yet that a few other Seminary pals (Scanders included) will be gone soon and then Matthew and Anna will move to Louisville, KY so he can go to seminary. We are sad about all of this--why do we have all these faithful people in our lives that just follow God's call to far away places?!?!

Alright, I hope this finds you all with schedules slowing down and some sunshine fun in your futures. Lots of love to you all!

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