Monday, June 18, 2007

Still recovering...

Hello friends, it was so nice to see you all! So, whose planning next year? :) Mandy and I were chatting and next year we'll have some "kid free" time next year...doesn't that sound good?

We made it back to Grand Forks after our get-a-way to Chicago. The Arts conference was incredible, the hour-long commute to Jess' house was less than incredible. But, the Chicago traffic was really the only down side. Micaela was great, she spent 2 days playing with a woman and her 2 year old daughter (they are from Costa Rica) while I was at the conference. Then we just hung out with Jess, the days were long so we didn't do any sightseeing or crazying outings.

So, we're back and I'm feeling motivated and full of ideas for church! I haven't figured out if we're doing Jesse and Ian's party or Elizabeth's wedding...I'm thinking the wedding will be easier to get to. Other senior year ladies...what are your thoughts?

Okay, my Old testament homework is calling me!

Lata ladies!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Hi everyone! Thanks so much for a wonderfully fun weekend! You made me remember what awesome friends I have. Not that I forget that, but its nice to be in your presence to be reminded once in awhile. :)
I hope that you all are having a nice start to the week! Congrats on the last day of school, Sarah!! Breanna and Elizabeth, I hope that you have arrived safely in your trips around the US. Lindsey--have fun with your LAST weeks of school!!! :) Everyone else, have a great week, too. I love you all!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

How grand!

What a fun weekend in New London and Litchfield, MN! When I tell people I hung out with 8 college friends with six girls under the age of 4, they look at me like I was crazy. Perhaps that is the case, but it was a grand time. I particularily enjoyed watching the munchikins play in the kiddie pool. Thanks for a great time!

Ps. Today is the last day of school!!!! Yippee!!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007


In today's Star Tribune, the forecast for tomorrow says a high of 79, sunny, and "lakeworthy." This makes me very happy and glad that I talked with my meteorologist friends last week.

This morning I saw lots of people out and about walking, biking, and such on my way to work. It made me wish that I had enough discipline to get up earlier and take advantage of the early morning hours outdoors. But, I did enjoy my sleep until 7.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Mundane routine

There are days when I don't mind being part of a routine that isn't all that exciting. In fact, I often relish in the predictability of it all. I enjoy listening to the morning show on MPR with Jim Ed Poole and Dale Connelly. I also like having a cold lunch everyday with vegetables, a banana, and some sort of sandwich on nutty bread. But today was a today I wish hadn't been so predictable. I could predict that my ELL class wouldn't settle in and do their work and when given the opportunity to work in groups, would not use their time effectively. I also know that my 6th hour is often uncontrollable because of 8 students that are in there and many will fail because they're refusing to complete their work and won't respect assignment deadlines. When I went to World Market tonight I knew I would be putting away stock, having to deal with customer questions, and eating chocolate. All these I know, but I wish there was more. Of course I didn't know that today a girl in one of my classes would attack a boy, pinning up against the door with her hand around his neck saying her brother, who is in a gang, would beat up him up. I didn't know that a girl in 6th hour would yell so loudly and use such profanity that it could be heard all the way down the hall.

Right now, I look forward to the say when my routine isn't so predicable and the unpredictability comes when I decide that instead of cold lunch I will be taken out to lunch. (Which of course can never happen as a teacher.) Of course I know that unpredictability is part of the excitement and I will not always be in control. And perhaps I should enjoy my routine right now because there are a lot of changes about to take place in the next few months for me and my family...I'm helping Matt and Sarah move to MO, I'm starting seminary, my dad's getting married, and I will have a niece in Oct.

All right, enough ramblings...just like bad talk-show hosts I can go on and on without making any sense. Which could be another topic. Why are Dr. Phil, The View, and Montel Williams still on the air? Do people watch because they think they actually have something good to say, or only because they need comic relief?

See you Saturday!

Ps. Mandy, is this what your parent's lake lot looks like?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Festival Time!

Just 6 days until we're all in the same place, pretty unbelievable right?!? Well, I'm about to delve into theater camp for the next 5 days, so this is my night to get all the Festival details secured. Here is what you need to know...

We will meet at Holm Park (in honor of Amy's pre-married self) at 11am. It is located on the west side of the New London pond, if you go to mapquest and get directions to 100-114 Norwood Street, New London MN you should be able to find Holm Park. If you find yourself lost or confused, call my cell 218.230.5188. We'll have lunch here, bring something to share! We'll hit all the hot spots of New London :) before heading to Mandy's cabin.

The rest of the day is pretty much: chill at cabin and enjoy one another (that's the official itinerary). Dinner is taken care of...but if you have favorite snacks, drinks, campfire goodies you'd like to bring, please do!

Just a reminder: if you can bring some sleeping gear (pillows, sleeping bags), a towel if you'd like to shower, a swim suit, I think that's about it!

If you have any questions, email me. Phone is a little tricky this week...I'm spending my evenings choreographing (its almost like a Lighthouse dance party, minus the curling iron)!!!

Can't wait to see you all!
